Instructions for setting up the bays
Make sure that both switches in the back of the bay are turned on. One is the projector and the other is the spotlight.
Use the white remote to turn on the projector.
Hit the keyboard or mouse to wake the computer.
Log in to the computer with pin: 2021
Click the Trackman Performance Studio (TPS) app on the desktop.
The software should be logged in. If not, the login is team@theturngolfclub.com and the password is "TurnGolf".
Open your Trackman app and use the QR scanner to log in or manually log in with your info.
The Trackman unit will ask you to calibrate once you start a session. Make sure the distance at the bottom says 10-12ft. Complete the auto-calibration (it should only take a few seconds).
In order to play the courses add your user, click on it, and then select a handicap. After 2-3 rounds it should establish your handicap and you won't need to do this step anymore. Start with your best guess.
FYI - The guest wifi password is: theturnGC